Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The waiting game....I've never been very good at it. Maybe a reason God has given me a child that I've had to acquire this skill for?? That's my thinking anyway. He has paired us together for a number of reasons I'm sure. And here we are again...waiting. Children's Hospital in Little Rock does not want you to call them. Nope ~ when you do call, you get the run around because your supposed to wait for them to call you. Their receptionists are very good at their jobs as well. Maybe they were telemarketers for training? :D I've been through that before when we were trying to get Luke a diagnoses. And, apparently it doesn't matter if your son has a hole in his heart and a partial blockage starting. You still have to wait for that phone call.

I called our family doctor today to see if they had a different number that I could call to find out more information for Luke. (a direct line would be GREAT!) Well, they just got a fax this morning from Little Rock with Luke's appointment on it. Seriously? It really would help if you want to see my child ~ to actually let ME know about it. My nurse figured that I was on some list to be called about it. The good news is that I'll be able to take Luke to the place in Lowell again to meet the pediatric heart surgeon for this appointment. Little Rock can wait! Of course, Luke was a bit disappointed because he likes to go down there to visit his cousins. Our doctor appointment is not until the end of September. That's a long wait to me. And, of course, during the school year, not the summer. Apparently, from the looks of his EKG, they know that it can wait. (more good news!) My thinking is this: if it was serious ~ I'd be making a trip to the Children's Hospital this week. So, I am in my positive thinking mode today! :) I am positive that God is in control. And ~ we will wait...again.

"Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
For our heart is glad in Him;
because we trust His Holy name.
Let your steadfast love, Oh Lord,
be upon us, even as we hope in you."

Psalm 33:20-22

1 comment:

Holly said...

Positive thinking, positive thinking...I was just reading this morning about w-a-i-t-i-n-g on the Lord. Psalm 25.

And I wonder if Sarah wishes she'd waited on the Lord when she decided to "help" God and gave Abraham her handmaiden Hagar to bear children, and the end result is still being felt in the Jewish and Arab world today. I think she wishes she'd waited. I'm now thinking ('cause I'm normally a NOW kinda gal!), I CAN wait.

I didn't know it carried such eternal significance, but maybe it does. When it's your child, it seems like FOREVER to wait, but maybe there will be some miraculous discovery in the time between now and tomorrow, or whenever you get to talk to the doctor. Or he'll be healed by the time you go back in. We never know. We'll keep Luke in our prayers. Hugs!