Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Hard Road

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the path is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13-14

God never said it was going to be easy. Life here is filled with sadness, anger, jealously, and uncertainty. Nothing can be counted on in this world. Not our health. Nor our loved ones because they can be taken at any time. Our jobs are uncertain. (especially today it seems!) And in this verse in Matthew reminds us that if life here is getting too easy ~ if you blending with the crowd too much ~ maybe, your on the wrong path. That's hard because honestly, sometimes I just want it to be easy!!

Not to say that just because things are awesome in your life right now, that the path your on is wrong. God loves us and wants what's best for us. It is just that this world should not be too comfortable. God's best for us is not always what we want. Sometimes God's best is a hill to climb with poison ivy on both sides of the narrow path. We are here to learn. We're not called to this earth for the easy ride. We can't learn and become stronger in faith and realize we need God, if things are too easy.

What we do affects not only us but our children. How we handle this road we are on. Do we just go with the flow? Or do we speak up when we know its wrong? Do we criticize or help others? Little eyes are watching us....I was thinking about the words 'looking up to us' but since my boys are as tall or taller than me, those words wouldn't work! lol How we handle the difficulties in our life teach our children. What kind of example are we setting?

1 comment:

Holly said...

sadly, I had to call the police on a car that was Behaving Badly. I was pretty sure I knew the mom (and I called her, but no answer), but I knew Mary Claire was with me, and that that person could injure a child (or get themselves injured!) driving so crazy through a neighborhood. : ( Of course, I warned her not to EVER drive that way when she's 16!
You are right-little eyes watch, and little ears listen. Be on guard. : )