Monday, June 13, 2011

Family Moments

Luke, Joey, and Faith Snow

Abby and Faith Snow

Summer, Phillip, and Cara Rolf

Looking at the photos just make me smile. Do you know that Brad Paisley song, "The World"? The song talks about how to everyone else your just another nameless person. But ~ to me, you are the world. (hence ~ the title..LOL) I find that so true. Looking at the people that I love so much, I realize that you probably don't know them. Yet, the mean so much to me and add so much to my life that I cannot imangine my life without them.

Do you ever people watch? I used to do it more than I do now. I used to actually want to go shopping and to the mall. And, I didn't have three kids with me when I went. Anyway ~ I used to watch others and wonder if they were married. Or had kids. Grandmother or not. Strict one? Or a spoiling one? Things like that. It is just a reminder that all of those strangers our there that we interact with everyday ~ have a story as well. They are loved. Mothers. Fathers. Aunts. Grandfathers. Friends.

"Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to

you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another

and for all, as we do for you" ~ 1 Thessalonians 3:11-12

1 comment:

Holly said...

I can't say that I people watch..maybe I did before kids? Sometimes I wonder about the people watching us (like when I check Mary Claire's blood) do they know someone with diabetes? do they have it? do I need to explain why I'm making her bleed?

A mama's kids are always the best kids in the world. : )