Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beauty of God

One of the joys of the kids getting bigger are them being able to do more things. Kent's company picnic for the several years has been tickets to Silver Dollar City. They have grown from just a couple kiddy rides to lovin' the water rides. I remember pushing a double stroller up and down those hills wondering why we were even there when they can't do anything. Then, came the single stroller with Faith while I watch the boys being able to do a few things.

Now, there's not stroller and no place to put anything! (one of the things you miss!!) But, there is so much more to do! :) We do love the Marvel Cave. It really is beautiful. My pictures don't do it justice. It would have been better if we found one of the bats but they were hidden in the depths of the cave. Which I can't say that I blame them!! It is a reminder for me of the living God that is in control. Look at all the He's made!!

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,

the world and those who dwell therein,

for He has founded it upon the seas,

and established it upon the rivers."

Psalm 24:1-2

1 comment:

Holly said...

Love that cave! : ) And I'll miss the stroller when it's gone-we even rented one in Disneyworld to hold our drinks-I mean Ethan!-and our stuff! : ) do have to push it...
Great pictures! : )