Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I love this time of year!! The beautiful colors! The cooler temperatures!

My favorite holiday is next month! Truly a time of Thanksgiving!

I went with Faith on her third grade fieldtrip to War Eagle Cavern. It was a

beautiful day spent with my little girl. I went with Joey and Luke when they were

in third grade. It makes me sad to do all of the 'last time' fieldtrips. ;(

Aaahhh... nothing says fall quite like a pumpkin patch! A warm

afternoon spent with my family outside enjoying God's creation!

I love making memories with my family!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Will of God

The will of God...we were talking about this during Sunday school and it got me thinking. The will of God was separated into three types: The sovereign will of God, the moral will of God, and the individual will of God. The sovereign will controls the universe. The moral will is revealed in the Bible for us to live by. The individual will ~ well, the authors' strongly disagreed with that there is one. After all, we do have free will. So, is there a plan for us here? Where does our choices and God's will touch or connect?

I believe that we chose to be here. Honestly, everyone talks about going 'back home' to be with God. So, that would imply that we were once there. And God is a loving and just God. I believe that we chose to come to this earth to learn and grow and to please God. And how do we learn the lessons on this earth so we can graduate and go back home? God places people in our lives. Events in our lives. After all, how do we learn patience? It's by having some one important in your life that you have to be patient for. How do we learn compassion? You learn by going through hardships of your own.

I don't think that God cares if I have a salad for lunch or Chinese food. But, honestly, I believe He cares about those bigger decisions in my life. I believe that He does have a plan. Why else would there be children and adults Down's Syndrome? Why else would there be children with Autism? And elderly with Alzheimer's? God has certain people in my life for a reason. Some bring joy. Some bring lessons. Some bring support. I believe that God has a will for my life and a will for yours. There are certain things I need to learn while I'm on this journey before I can go home.

There are many choices on this earth that I can make everyday. However, I also believe that God's Will has plans written just for us. These will happen if I move from Arkansas to Florida. And I believe, that if only one person that in Arizona can bring me a speific lesson ~ then, God will open that door and will bring a change in my path. (And we'd head to Arizona.) This is a hard journey that we are on. But knowing that God's Will is in control ...I am thankful.