Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Woman's Look in the Mirror

As I look through other blogs I read, the message seems to be just accepting yourself.  Which is one of the hardest things to do ~ especially as a woman!  Compare my life to others and it seems so ... dull, maybe? boring?  I'm just a curvy (another way to put that I need to lose a few! LOL) middle age  (...oh, my gosh did I really write that?? should I erase it??, just leave it) mother of three trying to be a loving mom, aunt, friend, daughter in a world filled with anger and hate. 

I look at other mothers who seem to have it all going for them.  It's easy to start to feel hard on myself.  But there are certain things as I've gotten older that I have come to accept.  Yes, there will always be other women prettier than I am.  I will never be a Reese Witherspoon or Julia Roberts.  God only made one of them ~ just as He only made one of me.  Yes, there will always be other women who seem to have it all together.  I've learned the key word is "seem".   They are just a frazzled over a kid puking in the back of the car, as you and I would be! 

Remember that God made each of us with a plan.  All of us are not supposed to be Reese or Julia.  I am just Jen buying the movie ticket hoping that for the next hour and a half I'll forget about the laundry and dishes waiting for me when I get home from the movie.  Most of the time, I'm just 'Mom" coming home to my kids after work, helping them with homework, and cooking supper. 

And, part of my self-esteem comes with being okay with that.  Even things that I am good at, there is probably some one out there that can do better.  I am a good cook and baker, but it's not like I'm on the way to having a cooking show! ;D  I am pretty good at art, but it doesn't mean that it should be in a museum!   If I strive to improve, then I will get better.  But, if I keep striving for perfection ~  I will never be happy.

God made you with every freckle and hair counted for.  When God sees you ~ He sees His child.  He loves ever wart you ever will have.  That is what God wants for us when we look in the mirror ~ to see love.  Not wishing for perfection.  But loving His creation right now...right where you are. 

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