I look back when I was growing up and compare it to now. It's essentially the same. Once you get a certain age, it seems like fitting in and being like everyone else is SO important. The big difference is what is 'normal' for my daughter's age right now. Does anyone else have a 10 year old daughter out there?? Have you walked through that department? Have you seen the clothes or should I say lack of clothes?
I knew it would get worse. Honestly, when she was a toddler, the shorts would barely cover her diapers. So, I would buy her plain shorts in the boys section. They were seriously an inch or two longer. Now that she is bigger, the shorts still have not changed. They are still about an inch or maybe two (if your lucky) from the middle seam! Honestly, do we need to look at our kids in such a way?? Why does this have to be the 'normal' for our kids??There is a line that I am walking on right now. The line between being a prude and letting it all go. I tell you some things I'm firm on. I don't like the short-shorts. I don't like seeing nine-year-olds running around in bikini's. (or 15-year-olds either actually) I also don't like the neck line on the one piece bathing suits either this year! I bought two on sale thinking it would be fine. When she tried them on, they made my daughter uncomfortable because it was cut so low. It only takes one or two little girls to wear it, then everyone else wants it as well. It is so hard to be the little girl who's different. I just don't understand why moms think this okay and buy it in the first place.
I like to think I'm on the line...yes, I may waiver a bit and be a bit wishy-washy on somethings because honestly ~ I don't know the answers to everything! I am learning as I go. I do know that we are all made in the likeness of Christ. I know that our bodies are temples for the Holy Ghost to reside. The age old question, "Why would Jesus do?" comes up. What would He want for our daughters?
"likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable
apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and
gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women
who profess godliness—with good works." 1 Timothy 2:9-10
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36
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