Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Beginning...

Luke (3rd), Joey (4th), & Faith (Kindergarten)
My baby girl starting Kindergarten :(

Luke (7th), Joey (8th), & Faith (4th)

Another school year has begun. It's good, right? They are growing and learning and becoming the individuals that God meant them to be. Yet, I can't help but be a little sad at it going by so fast. My oldest is in junior high and taking pre-ap classes! Geez! Luke is the only one in middles school now. Then, there is my baby is in fourth grade now. My last one in elementary school!

This year started a little different. Usually, Faith picks out her clothes the day before. (The boys you might ask ~ they never cared what they wore! I'm the one who cares if they match! LOL) She would start with her headband and earrings all the way down to the color her toes are painted. She never really dressed up for the first day. Faith would usually pick out carpis or maybe a skort ~ something she can play in! This year: t-shirt, shorts, a ponytail, and flip-flops. No touching up her nails. No fixing her hair. I think her earrings were the ones from the day before. Wow I'm not sure I'm ready for this growing up stuff! :( Ready or not... it is here.

Those little thing are just small signs of the changes to come. Joey will be 14 in October and he will be studing for his driver's license!! (I am cringing inside at the thought!!) The doctor told me when we went to get Faith's physical for camp that I needed to have that talk soon. That girls are starting earlier than they used to and I needed to have THAT talk. ReAlLy?? She is only 9. Please Lord let her stay small a little longer!

I know...I really do...the kids...they are ready to grow and find out what life is's Momma. Just wanting to hang on just a little longer....wishing that it lasted just a little longer!

1 comment:

Holly said...

We've had the period talk, but that's it. Not ready for more. ; )

I know---it's SO fast!! They are adorable, such blessings! : ) Hugs, Jen! : )