Cut It Up And Sew It Together! These Are Kinda'
Match-y For Faith And Abby
This Is Faith's Favorite And I Used One Of
The Boy's Old T-Shirts For The Base! :)
Thursday I realized that my alone time was almost at the end and I hadn't even dug out my sewing machine! I even got two new patterns at Hobby Lobby when they were half price. I realize that when it says "simple" ~ it might be simple, but I am need a sewing for dummies pattern before I can follow it!! :( So, I dug out some of Faith's clothes so I could figure out length and widths I could use and tried it free-hand. I had one dress that didn't fit. Pretty good odds considering I have no idea what I'm doing!
Can you tell that I have some Halloween material?? LOL Yeah, I still have some left too. I have two tubs of different material that I have collected through the past couple years. And, some my mom has found for me. (Hence, the Halloween material!) There is a second hand store that would have fabric remnants and she would get yards and yards for $3-4 bucks. Of course, none of my kids have ever wanted a shirt of orange spiderwebs or cats, so that material just sat there. Until I was looking through Faith's clothes and found a skirt that inspired the ones I made. I even had enough to make my niece, Abby, a skirt kinda' like Faith's. (you can find the waist measurement of different sizes online to know how much elastic!)
Now, that my projects are finished for now, it is time to put my stuff back up. :( I don't think that I will wait so long before I dig everything out again. I enjoy it. Now, though, that cleaning list I was supposed to get done last week?? It actually has to happen this week. After all, school starts next week and the kids will be tired and cranky .... maybe even mommy too! ;~D
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