Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's Not About Us

"God does not exist to make a big deal out of us. We exist
to make a big deal out of Him. It's not about you. It's
not about me. It's all about Him." ~ Max Lucado

Isn't the Milky Way beautiful? When you look at that picture of our little galaxy, you cannot pick you our little home: earth. And if we cannot see earth, we cannot see North America and the states we call home. Did you realize that there are estimated 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the Universe? We are so small in what God has created. So very small.

Yet, we can look at the ocean and feel close to God. Or walk through nature and see all that God has created. Or hold a newborn baby. God is there, yes. But, God is also found in each of us. We are here to give light. . . give love. . . show God through us. To give God glory. And to me honestly ~ that sounded really weird to me for years. I mean, I realize why we would want to give praise and glory but why does God want the glory? He doesn't need it. God is love. He has no ego. Why does God want the glory through our lives?

Then, I found an answer that made sense to me. Look around us. There are so many people struggling. So many people lost and looking for answers out there. We are to be their light! Yes, us ~ imperfect and struggling ourselves ~ we are to be their lifeboat in the middle of a storm. We are here for God's glory so that we can guide others to Christ. Our life to be to be some one's candle so the glory of God can be carried on.

God love us for some reason. He has created the universe, yet He walks with us. He cares for us. We are so special to Him, that He knows our names. Yet, through our walk in life, our purpose is for people not to remember us ~ but to know God. We can the their lifeboat in their storm. We can show them God's love. That is our goal. Our purpose. To give glory to our Creator because, after all, it is not about us. It is about Him.

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