Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Idea of Contentment. . .

Contentment is something that we all struggle with. It is something that I struggle with. There is so many things out there in this world. So many places that I have never seen. So many things that I have never done. It is sometimes hard to look around at what I've done, who I am, where I am and say ~ it is enough.

When ever my mind starts drifting in that direction, I remind myself that there is a real reason that I am here. Something that doesn't have to do with the stuff of this world. Something bigger than me.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in

whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought

low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I

have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance

and need. I can do all things through Christ which

strengthens me." ~ Philippians 4:11-13

Yet, still being of the flesh, I must remind myself of this. For my husband, it is even harder. I see him struggle with this. For a man, those toys ~ that stuff ~ seems to go with being a man. As kids we used to say (and now our children say!): "but all the other kids have it!" It still effects us as adults as well. Sad but somethings don't change!

Unless we do! We have the power to make that change. No, I may not ever fly to Italy or see Australia. What I can change ~ and what you can change ~ is our minds and our hearts. Right here and right now is where God has put me. I am thankful that He didn't put me in the renaissance area!! Way too many layers of clothes plus corsets! ewww!! Can you imagine wearing those when it's 100 degrees out?? Okay, where was I? God put me in here in Arkansas for a reason. A number of reasons or else I would have moved by now. God's plan for me ~ and for you ~ where ever you are and what every circumstances you find yourself in. God is there with you.

Just knowing that I am not going through this alone. Knowing that God has a plan. Knowing that God is in control. That is where contentment is found. Inside yourself where God dwells. We must stop looking around and looking outside ourselves for something that was always inside us to begin with.

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