Monday, July 8, 2013

Singing Praises!

"I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;  before the gods I sing
 your praise;   I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your
 name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness..."  Psalm 138:1-2

I have been feeling very thankful lately.  That is not a bad thing.  It is a great mindset that can improve your day instantly.  :)  I have been looking back over the past year and seeing how much God has blessed us and I am humbled.  God is SO good.  We just need to take a moment and acknowledge it.  Sing His praises because He is worthy!

I look at my kids and feel so much love and purpose.  Are they perfect?!  But, none of us are.  I feel so blessed that God has given me these children to care for and protect.  What an honor to be a Mother.  So many women long for that, and I have three. I don't take that for granted.  He protected me and my children through my difficult pregnancies.   With God's help every step of the way, I have two boys bigger than I and a daughter heading to middle school.

Last year, we were house looking.  Which after they year before of renting and moving a couple times, sounded wonderful!  A home.  But, the house looking part...not as much fun.  If you've done that recently, then you know how frustrating that can be.  We were looking for a foreclosure, trying to save some money.  We found a wonderful real estate agent and she took us to house after house.  We even bid on several.  Nothing ever came through.  The foreclosure market can drive you crazy.  

Then, we looked at this home in June.  The owner was in her 80's and was there while we looked at the house.  It was like walking back in time, welcome to the 70's show!  Nothing in the house was updated, but it felt like home.  We looked at it on a Friday, bid on it on Sunday, and she signed the papers on Monday.  We moved in August of last year.  Amazing how God works!  I know looking back, that God was making us wait for this home.  I don't take it for granted.  Yes, this old house needs some attention, but it is a work of love.  God blessed us with more than we expected!

The family and friends that have helped along the way.  My brother-in-law has spent a lot of hours here helping with the electrical.   My mom helped me go through all the rooms full of stuff and get the bedrooms painted while the kids were at camp.  Even my friend's dad, Joey, helped me with the tile in the kitchen.  We had some 5 gallon buckets of paint given to us from friends.  And even some ceiling fans given to us for bedrooms.  Recently, we had friends bring an auger to dig holes for a wood fence and another friend take a day off work to help us get them set.  What a blessing!  God has used so many people to bless us this year.  How could I not feel thankful?

There was a year or two where God was sharpening me, molding me, making me stronger.  I was stripped down to the basics of what is important:  God and my family.  Those times are necessary but not much fun to go through.  I feel so blessed.  Family.  Friends. Home. And now, a reliable car!  God is SO good!!

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