Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mother's Day Thoughts...

The Beauty of Flowers...

Bring Happiness to All.

It's hard to believe that Mother's Day is right around the corner. I think about the family that I've come from as well as the family I have. It fills me with JOY to look upon the family I've been blessed with. Yes, I can look back and see mistakes that I've made. It makes me think ~ what is the role of a mother today?

I believe that it's the same as it was 50 years ago, but it's just harder to do it. Things have changed and progress has been made. That has to change the way we parent. I remember growing up and having two corded phones: one in the living room and one in the kitchen. If you wanted to talk with your friends, it was in the same room with your parents! Now, there are kids my daughter's age with cell phones already!! She's only 9!! A lot of families have both parents working now. If you don't know ~ it is so hard to work until 5, pick up the kids, get home close to 6, cook supper and eat 6:30 or 7, then squeeze in a little homework, and showers. Did I mention doing dishes while the kids are in the showers and then finally sitting down around 8?? It was SO hard! I humbly applaud the parents that do that everyday. I did it for a while, but thankful I don't do it now. It wasn't worth it for us. The kids were actually suffering, especially Luke.

As mothers, our purpose is the same, even though our methods maybe different. You may not agree with everything that I do. Yet ~ our goals are the same. To love our kids. Bring them up knowing God. To give them confidence to make it on their own. Yet, with the knowledge that they are here to serve. Well, those are a few of the things that I want to instill. I could list more. But, I believe that if I could teach my kids this, they will do just fine:

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." ~Romans 12:12-13

"For the entire law is is fullfilled in keeping this one command:
Love your neighbor as yourself." ~ Galatians 5:14

1 comment:

Holly said...

Happy Mother's Day, sweet Jen! : ) You are right-our jobs are essentially the same. Bring them up with love and God's guidance. : ) I was told today to remember to pray with my kids, and to tell them #1 how much I love them, #2 how much God loves them, and #3 to make good choices. Pretty basic, but accurate. : ) Hugs!