Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Falling Apart

Do you ever feel like this?

Barely holding it together?

Pieces of you breaking off?

It may take just one more thing...

Until, we fall apart.

I've have been there. I have felt like this rock...or like Humpty Dumpty. Barely holding things together. Just hanging on. Hoping for all of it to end. And, one more thing ~ it doesn't even have to be a something big. Just a little splash. And, here comes the great fall. Have you ever been there? One more thing ~ and you all fall apart? I like to think that we all have.

But, unlike the nusery rhyme where all "all of the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again," we can be put back together. Not by any horses. Or by an earthly man. Only one is capable of putting us back together again: Christ. He takes my tired body, my weary soul, my love, my anger, my everything. He takes it all and puts me back together again. But, He loves me too much to put me back the same way. He changes me. He renews me. He strengthens me. So, I can once again face what this world puts out. Knowing, that He will be there when I fall apart again. (and every moment in between!!) What a wonderful Father is He?

"Do not be conformed of this world, but be transformed by the

renewal of your mind, that by testing, you may discern what is

the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2

1 comment:

Holly said...

Yep, I have felt just like that shale! : ) And sometimes it takes t-i-m-e to put all the pieces back together, even for God. : ) We have to be patient.