Saturday, May 28, 2011

Beauty of Today

I just love wildflowers! God's Garden!

Faith, Luke, Aaron (Joey's Friend), and Joey

I love those moments that turn into memories!

This morning started bright and early. My Dad's birthday is in a few days, so in honor of his day ~ we went out to breakfast. That was always his favorite meal. There were many mornings of setting the alarm just to meet him. Then, as the kids got bigger, we would take turns on who go to go with me. It's funny that they never mind getting up early, if they knew they were meeting papa. It's been about a year and a half since he's passed away. For me, I think of the last years with a very thankful heart. It was a time of forgiveness. It was a time of love. So, Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Then, we headed to one of my favorite places: Devil's Den. The beauty of the outdoors to refresh your spirit. I love being outside in the middle of God's creation. (except when it's 100 degrees out! I wimp out then!) One of Joey's friends went with us. It was great to be able to really get to know one of his friends. He is a teenager now and sometimes that's hard! There was destruction there. Reminders of the flooding that happened not that long ago. It seems like everywhere we look, there are reminders from disasters. Reminders not to take this life for granted. Reminders that God is in control. Reminders of the power of God. Reminders to be thankful for today for tomorrow is not a guarantee.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Happy Birthday to your daddy : )
And you are right-we see signs of destruction, but we see flowers and trees too-more promises of the rainbow : ) Hugs, Holly