Monday, May 9, 2011

Autism Struggles...

"For great is His love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever."
~ Psalm 117:2

It is so hard to see your children suffer. To know inside that the burden they have to bear in this life is different and harder than many others. To grow up knowing your different than everyone else. Not by what clothes your wearing. Or by the music you listen to. Or who your friends are. That's the story of Luke's life and many other children.

This is the end of Luke's sixth grade year. Isn't that hard to believe?? I remember the days of colic. Then, starting speech and occupational therapy when he was 4. The fight to get therapy started in kindergarten. To watch him get shoved in with ESL kids when he can speak English, he just can't read it!! ARRrrrr!!! There have been a lot of struggles as he realizes that he's different. He knows that he has autism. And, he knows that there is a reason (even when we don't understand) because God doesn't make mistakes.

But ~ even knowing this in my heart and soul ~ does not always help my mind. It's so hard knowing that Luke's going into 7th grade next year but is only on a 3rd grade reading level. The textbooks are written levels above where he's at. The material and content, he could handle if it was just written in a way for him to understand or explained to him. Next year, he is being place in what they call Reading 180. They tried it on him in elementary school and it didn't help. But ~ they want to try it again. Luke won't get to have those opportunities like the other 7th graders. He doesn't get to choose electives because this program takes up too many blocks. If it helps him, then it's worth a try. This summer I have to start back up reading with him. Luke has homework every night that I haven't pushed more on to him. We spend enough time trying to get through his science or social studies book at night!

I just have to keep in my mind that God has a plan for his life (and mine). God's love IS everlasting. His love IS faithful. His love IS enough. For the times that I am weak are the times God proves His strength.

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