Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Falling Apart
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
(yep! that's 4 greats!!!)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Beauty of Today
Faith, Luke, Aaron (Joey's Friend), and Joey
I love those moments that turn into memories!
This morning started bright and early. My Dad's birthday is in a few days, so in honor of his day ~ we went out to breakfast. That was always his favorite meal. There were many mornings of setting the alarm just to meet him. Then, as the kids got bigger, we would take turns on who go to go with me. It's funny that they never mind getting up early, if they knew they were meeting papa. It's been about a year and a half since he's passed away. For me, I think of the last years with a very thankful heart. It was a time of forgiveness. It was a time of love. So, Happy Birthday Daddy!!
Then, we headed to one of my favorite places: Devil's Den. The beauty of the outdoors to refresh your spirit. I love being outside in the middle of God's creation. (except when it's 100 degrees out! I wimp out then!) One of Joey's friends went with us. It was great to be able to really get to know one of his friends. He is a teenager now and sometimes that's hard! There was destruction there. Reminders of the flooding that happened not that long ago. It seems like everywhere we look, there are reminders from disasters. Reminders not to take this life for granted. Reminders that God is in control. Reminders of the power of God. Reminders to be thankful for today for tomorrow is not a guarantee.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Ups and Downs
abounding in love for all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, Lord;
listen to my cry for mercy.
When I am in distress, I call to you,
because you answer me."
Psalm 86:5-7
Monday, May 23, 2011
In this world today, there is very little security. Each day holds new challenges. Every moment is insecure. Mat Kearney's song, Closer to Love, speaks of it beautifully. "We're all one phone call from our knees." How true is that?!?
Just turning on the news, it is clear how little security we have. Tornado's whipped through Joplin, Missouri on Sunday night. In a moment, their lives were changed. Over 100 lives have been lost. Homes being destroyed. Businesses gone. How do you even pick yourself up from that? There's no going to Wal-Mart to pick a few things up because Wal-Mart is gone. There isn't a job to go to in the morning. A bed to tuck your kids in a night. How fragile life is!
My security is not in my job or where we live, but in Christ. He is the One security that we all can have. I am SO thankful for that security, because this world has so much pain, uncertainty, and challenges. I pray for the people affected by this tragedy. I pray they can rest their fears and hurts in the security of Christ.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Making Memories Today

It feels like just a blink of an eye. Time can go by so fast. Maybe it' me wishing for more Friday's so I can get to the weekends!! :) Yet ~ I can look back at pictures and it brings back memories of when they were younger. I love that picture of Luke and Abby. He was chasing her (again) outside and he finally caught her. The simple joy of a game of chase!
Now, she's graduating kindergarten. Joey will be moving to jr. high. (aaahhhh!!!) Luke's moving to the seventh grade. (how did that happen?) And, my baby girl, Faith will be moving to the big hallway. The fourth and fifth grades. Seriously, yes, I am going to cry. I know it's corny. It's just that those kids in that hallway seem so....B I G. That can't be my baby girl! :( I will have three kids in three different schools for the first time. Kinda' sad...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Making A List...

It is so easy to go through each day and by the end of the day, do you remember the gifts that God has given you? Or do you remember your boss that blamed you? Or your kids that talked back to you? Or your car that wouldn't start?
I know that myself, some days it is hard to remember the good things. Those small gifts that God gives us each and everyday. (or those big gifts too!) Once you start making your list, you can look back over your day or your month ~ and see and remember your blessings. In her book, she gives us part of her list throughout. From the sunrise over the fields to the blue jay at the window. Those moments that make you smile and remind you that God is here, where you are.
So, right now my list starts. I'll share some of my list throughout my blog. Just to remind each of us of the gifts that God has given.
1. For God that loves me despite me
2. Grace that helps me when I fall
3. Three special kids that call me, "Mom"
Friday, May 13, 2011
Then ~ there is real life. The walking through the mud because we didn't see the bridge down the other path. The making a wrong decision because we thought it looked right. My husband works at a factory now. He's never liked his job. They are now talking about going down to two lines. Which, with all of the layoffs they already had because of the economy, would leave him jobless. Kent is the dreamer. (just open a bakery) I'm the realist. (the hours, loans, ect) He'd love to find that awesome job. I try to be realistic with him. If you ask people, sad to say, but most people don't like their jobs. One of our friends is a driver. His job has long hours and, of course, stress. That's LIFE. But, he finds teaching in church to fill his soul.
My job is just that ~ a job. Do I wake up excited about my job? Not really. But, my job gives me the hours I need to support my family. It doesn't fulfill me each day, but I leave it behind when I walk out the door and find people and things that fulfill me. I love being with my kids. I read books to lift me. I bake for my family and others to make me happy. I love to paint and take pictures to see my world. I write and do other things that fill my soul. My job doesn't define me. It's a small part of my life that helps pay bills. Maybe when the kids are bigger and I don't have to think about after school care, another job will come along.
I don't think that God wants us to be miserable in our jobs. Sometimes I think the misery is coming from us and our attitudes. (at least from my experience) I believe that we're in those places for a reason. To encourage others. To learn something. Any number of reasons. Sometimes those awesome jobs are out there with your name on it. (woo-hoo!) But, sometimes God puts is in a not-so-great job so that the good insurance will pay for heart surgery. (been there!) Or so that your autistic son doesn't have to deal with daycare. (done that!) So, I don't know where this road of LIFE is taking us. But ~ that's nothing new. I'll just let God be my pilot and lead me where I need to go for real joy comes not in our lives or jobs ~ but in Christ alone. No matter what circumstance may come, there can still be joy.
know the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness
has its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
James 1:2-4
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by
the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope."
Romans 15:13
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Question of Modesty
I'm really not an old stooge when it comes to clothes. Faith gets to pick most of it out and she does a good job. She doesn't like the way the girl's shirts fit. (they are tight) She's really a size 8/9 (medium) but they are cut so tight that she likes the 10/12 (large). She loves the tank tops and cami tops. And I don't see anything wrong with that. (maybe when she starts filling out those shirts, I might change my mind! LOL) The shorts for girls are just as bad. They are inches shorter than boy's shorts for the same size. I want to ask clothing makers, "do we really need to exploit our little girls??"
Yet, there are some shirts she just loves because it's like one Cara (her 19 year old cousin) wears. Those shirts are left at the store. They should not have been made in a child's size nine!! Then, there is of course that bikini. And, of course, she played the "all my friends" have one card. I reminded her that the two piece I agreed on and bought her last year made her feel self conscience and she never wore it. But, "I'm bigger now". (in a whinny, 2 year old voice!) So, I asked her would God want you to wear this? Would you wear this in front of your church friends? The answer to that was, "no". So, that was was my answer too. Faith is only 9 and I am having conversations on modesty. Jeez!! I know that this is just the beginning. Every Mom has to make those decisions on what's best for their little girls. There are no wrong decisions. It's just that I don't like the bikini on my baby girl.
"Be careful to live properly among you unbelieving neighbors. Then, even if
Monday, May 9, 2011
Autism Struggles...

~ Psalm 117:2
But ~ even knowing this in my heart and soul ~ does not always help my mind. It's so hard knowing that Luke's going into 7th grade next year but is only on a 3rd grade reading level. The textbooks are written levels above where he's at. The material and content, he could handle if it was just written in a way for him to understand or explained to him. Next year, he is being place in what they call Reading 180. They tried it on him in elementary school and it didn't help. But ~ they want to try it again. Luke won't get to have those opportunities like the other 7th graders. He doesn't get to choose electives because this program takes up too many blocks. If it helps him, then it's worth a try. This summer I have to start back up reading with him. Luke has homework every night that I haven't pushed more on to him. We spend enough time trying to get through his science or social studies book at night!
I just have to keep in my mind that God has a plan for his life (and mine). God's love IS everlasting. His love IS faithful. His love IS enough. For the times that I am weak are the times God proves His strength.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The Power of a Grandmother
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mother's Day Thoughts...
It's hard to believe that Mother's Day is right around the corner. I think about the family that I've come from as well as the family I have. It fills me with JOY to look upon the family I've been blessed with. Yes, I can look back and see mistakes that I've made. It makes me think ~ what is the role of a mother today?