God has put this one my heart for a while, but I've really, well, put off talking about it. It seems that lot of people recently have switched over to the home-school idea and don't give our schools the praise they deserve. Public schools get a bad rap. So, here are my two cents. Take it what you will but if you have something negative to say, I'll just remind you that we all have a right to our own opinions and this is just my own. These are just think from my perspective.

When my children were smaller, I was a big reader to them. As they grew, I taught them A, B,C's and numbers. I taught them sounds for each letter so we could put together words. Even beginning addition. Before kindergarten, Joey knew all of that as well as could write his name and color in the lines beautifully. Luke did have a few learning issues but I worked even harder with him. Faith was even reading BEFORE kindergarten. She was 4 years old and reading books to her babydolls. Did I think about homeschooling them at this point since they are doing so well thus far? Maybe for a moment but I looked at the positives and negatives.
Homeschooling...they can learn on their level and at their own pace. That means I can spend more time helping Luke and I can really push Joey and Faith. But...I look at what they give up by being at home all of the time. First thing that comes to my mind now (that they are teenagers) would be the extra stuff. The stuff that make going to school worth it when you their age.
Joey is loves being a tuba player! This opens up opportunities for learning things like how much hard practice is worth it. He is going to New York City and will play patriotic songs in front of the Statue of Liberty. AWESOME! He also enjoys yearbook and has always loved history. He even got selected to go on a history tour in Washington, Jamestown, ect. in junior high. He is taking a college history class this year and pre-ap english. Luke is taking a metal (welding) class and a construction class this year. Each year will build on his skills. Even looking at Faith. She has art and music and PE. Yes, I love arts and crafts but would I have her try to paint a bowl of apples to learn perspective? Or different art styles? Nope, it would be more of the pinterest ideas! LOL Or try different instruments to see what she could be good at? There are SO many extra things they learn besides math, english, science, and history. (Even in science, they are getting out the microscope out and working on slides.) This is just the stuff they enjoy. The things that help them figure out who they are. The stuff that makes learning real.
Then, there is the social aspect. My kids would have each other. They would have other family members. They would also have the kids from church. Yes, they could be a part of library groups or such. There little bubble would be very small and that's why a lot of parents like home schooling. They want that control over who influences their child. And honestly, the more I read the Bible. The more I know that is not what Jesus would want. (I know everyone is freaking out right now!) God would want you to
let Him have control of that. Let God and Let God. Jesus was out there. He didn't shelter himself from the rest of the world. He was out there with the disease. With the dirty. With the sinners. He didn't just surround himself with the 12 disciples and say, "okay, guys, you go do this but I'm staying right here." No, He showed the 12 how to have a servants heart. How can be be a light in this world when the only thing we are lighting is own little circle? Yes, there are bullies in this world. Yes, even my own kids have been picked on. But, you know what? They have the opportunity to show God's love to kids that may not have ever seen it... on a daily basis! That is how I started going to church years ago. With friends. What if their parents decided to place them in the safe bubble?
Do I get frustrated with the system? Of course. Even the teachers do. There are some awesome teachers that I know who want to pull their hair out at things as well. But they go to work each day knowing they are there to make a difference. I have had to fight for Luke so much that I am naturally defensive at any of his IEP meetings. I am always ready to stand up for him. Honestly, now that Faith is bigger, I am even frustrated at the other end. My daughter is in middle school and not being challenged hardly at all. Easy straight A's. But, I don't look at public school as a drop off and it is the teacher's job to do it all. First and foremost, it is my job. God has given me these three kids to do the best possible for them. So, you know what I have always done? I work with Luke on his reading at home. Or his vocab. Or math. It is my responsibility to help my child. Faith is bored. You know what? We work on algebra at home for "fun". (yeah she likes it!) Public school is a partnership with parents. Not a drop off baby sitter.
I have always said that if things got too rough for Luke, I would home school him without a second thought. Joey and Faith would still be in public school even then. I know there are special circumstances. I have a friend that home schools her kids because she lives in such a town and she knows from experience that you can skip more days than your in school and still pass just fine. LOL She wants a better education than what she got and that is great. But I also know a sweet family that home schools because she doesn't want to be away from her children that much. She even plans on doing on line college classes so I am not sure when they will actually face the real world. I know that if they took the same tests as my kids, they wouldn't be passing. So, it's really a disservice to her kids. Sad.
My kids are big now. I can look at what they are learning and it is SO much more than one person could do at home. They are getting to experience teachers that are good at their subject, showing my kids how to do it. I could not show them everything they are learning. They are becoming well rounded people who live in the real world. Yes, they know there are bullies in life. Yes, some of them have even seen teen pregnancy, gays, and drugs. But, I wouldn't change it. My kids are able to be light in the middle of sin. They are able to be in the middle of the mess man has created and learn to not judge. When my kids step out into the world on their own, not only will they be able to remember what the Bible says because they learned it in Church and at home (where it should be), they will be able to handle the real world as it really is.
Luke 15:1-7 " Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to
hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man
receives sinners and eats with them.” So he told them this parable: “What
man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not
leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost,
until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders,
rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his
neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that
was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner
who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."