Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reaching Across the Ocean

It is amazing how God can use you when you let him.  My little blog here isn't anything glamorous.  It's real life.  The good.  The bad.  Even the ugly tears.  I don't pretend here that everything is great when my heart is breaking.  When something is great, I'll share that as well.  It is all here.  It's open for anyone to read.  I don't have anything to hide.

Some one asked me why I write this blog.  My answer?  I just want God to use me.  If through this blog, I can help another person going through a struggle, it means something.   My sin and mistakes are spelled out in black and white.  My worries and struggles are there for all to see.  But through all the mud of this life, my hope is found in God alone.  I want that to be light, even if just a small nightlight, for some one struggling.

And as amazing as it is to me, not only do I have friends that will read a post here and there and let me know it touched them.  But, just this week alone ~ I had around 20 views from each of these countries:  Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, and Russia!!!  That is incredible to me knowing that my little blog could touch some one in another country.  My posts about autism are visiting frequently, as well as, my posts about abuse and self-esteem.  I pray that these people searching for answers can find the hope and peace that I have found.

So, thank you to those viewers to my humble abode.  My hope is that I've been able to let you know that your not alone.  We all struggle.  We all crumble to our knees at times.  What matters is what you look at while your down on your knees.  Are you looking around for answers that cannot be found?  Or are your eyes pointed up where our hope is found?

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