Saturday, September 3, 2011

Growing Roots

"Can papyrus grow where there
is no marsh? Can reeds flourish
where there is no water? While
yet in flower and not cut down,
they wither before any other plant.
Such are the paths of all who
forget God; the hope of the
godless shall perish." Job 8:11-13

This verse goes on to tell us, "what they trust is in fragile and what they rely on is a spiders web." Think about that for a moment. To rely on a spiders web. Spider webs are strong enough to hold the spider and catch it's prey. It is strong enough for the day to day routine. Yet, when strong wind...or a strong storm comes, it's gone. Nothing is left. The same is true with reeds without water. They cannot grow and flourish. They wither and die without the life support of water.

That is also true about us without Christ. A strong wind in our lives and we are left with nothing. Without Christ we cannot become the person we are supposed to be. Can you imagine waking up everyday thinking that this is it? That this life is all we got? What hopelessness that would be! So many people walk around with this hopelessness sitting on their shoulders everyday. No wonder suicide was the 11th cause of death in the United States in 1999. I am sure that the number has grown in the last 12 years because this world is not getting any better. The unemployment rate is over 9% in the United States. Cancer is running rapid and filling up prayer lists everywhere. I cannot imagine going through this with out the hope of Christ daily.

How do we become stronger? How do we grow roots in Christ that will wither the storms this life will throw at us? One of the most important places a Christian can be is on their knees. Prayers going out to the only one that can help us. Constant communication with our Maker. One of the best times I talk with God is in the car after I drop the kids off at school and I am driving to work. There is no wrong or right time. There is no wrong or right way. Anytime and anyplace you are ~ God is there waiting to hear from you. As we learn to trust Him ~ to believe in Him ~ our faith grows.

We still must make our roots deep, not just plenty. However, that process is not always a pleasant one. Did you know that tree roots grow deeper as the go through drought? The roots dig a little deeper in search of water. If water is plentiful, their roots are shallow and the tree can easily fall over. The same is true for us. When life is a wonderful ride, it is easy to take our blessings for granted. To put God on the back burner. (Even though He deserves SO much better from us!!) As we go through periods of trials, our roots and faith shall become stronger and deeper. We remember God has been there the whole time. Our roots grab onto the rock of Christ. And our faith will hold us, even when the web of this world falls away.

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