Saturday, September 17, 2011


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your
ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my ways and my thoughts
than your thoughts." ~ Isaiah 55:8-9

I was looking through my online photos and ran across this picture from the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. Each chair represents a person who died there. There were 19 children among the 168 that died that day in 1995. The children's chairs are the smaller ones across the grass. It is a very moving memorial honouring those who perished. When I look at the loss and the pain that is here, right now, in this world ~ it is easy to wonder. . .

W H Y ? ?

As I flip on the news or look in the newspaper, that question pops in my head. Just yesterday, there were 3 people in the obituaries that were in their 40's. Parents still alive. Small children yet to raise. Yet, there earthly lives are no more. I have a friend that has lost two of her children. Cancer is everywhere. Layoffs are still happening. So much pain and suffering. So many hardships. There are times in my own situation where that three letter words pops in my head. My childhood and all that happened to me. A miscarriage at 5 months along. My Dad passed away of cancer. My brother lives right here but I haven't seen him in 2 years. Medical bills that keep coming. My son that has to deal with autism, asthma, food allergies, and now a heart condition. Why? Why? Why??

I have learned (and still learning) that the question "why" usually doesn't get answered by God. It doesn't need to be. God is love. Period. He doesn't allow things to happen because He's asleep and it slipped past Him. He knows exactly what's going on in your life and mine. It doesn't mean that I still don't ask it. (as I am sure that you do!) It doesn't mean that my path is clear, with daisies growing, the sound of a river in the background, and a cloudless sun in the sky. As trials come into my life, that question still pops in my head. But, I know that God sees the big picture. He looks at not just today, but thirty years from now. He looks not only at my life, but the life of my children's children. Through it all, I must remember that God loves us. So, I think that is God's answer. When we come to Him as small children at His feet, look upon the face of Jesus, and ask, "Why?" I imagine His answer is, "because I love you."

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