Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Point of View

So often our lives, our attitudes need some fine tuning. I know that mine has!! We are looking towards something...some one to make us happy. If I only had a different job...If only we lived some where bigger...If only I'd find that special some one...If only... There can be a lot of "if only's" in this life. So often that we are not content with were we are. Where God has placed us right now, at this moment.

"When you pass that test of blooming where you're planted and keep a good attitude even when you don't feel like it, and stay calm when you don't get your way, and honor authority even when you don't agree, you are sowing a seed for God to take you where He wants you to go." Joel Osteen, Every Day A Friday.

I know there have been many moments in my life that I wished I didn't have to go through. I prayed for God to get me out of there. To change others. Or to change my circumstance. All along, God was changing me. I would not take those challenges away from my life. They have made me a better person. Stronger in my Faith.

So, I have learned a few things. One is to NEVER, I repeat, never pray for patience. Why? Because the only way you can learn patience is for God to give you lots and lots to be patient about!! LOL ;~D yeah, seriously, had a child with colic... And, Bloom Where God Puts You. Ask for God's help through your difficult seasons in life, but just skip asking God to change everyone around you. After all, if is YOU that He is trying to change.

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