What are we teaching our children? I didn't grow up in a church. Christmas, to me growing up, was a time for presents. Presents galore! All shapes and sizes! Go to sleep at night with a bare tree to wake up with the jackpot! (It still is my mom's favorite holiday.) But, where is Christ in the ribbon and boxes? Or where is Christ when we hand out cash and gift cards? As you probably remember, the Christmas story in the bible does mention gifts from the wise men.
"And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and
they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they
offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11
A celebration of life to see the Christ child. What an amazing moment that must have been! And, so today, we continue that tradition from the first Christmas. Gifts to celebrate. Now as a mother, Christmas is not about getting everything the kids want from their list. It never has been. (so hard for my mom) As long as they have a few things under the tree that will bring a smile, it's fine. It is about letting others know how much they mean to you. About letting them know that you think of them...pray for them. It is about letting them see a side of you that you might not show the rest of the year. During Christmas, we should let the love of Christ shine even more brightly through us to family, friends, and stangers.
Instead of just signing your name to your Christmas cards ~ just take a moment for each one and write a note for that person. I know, I know...that takes time. Seriously I know. I could only do about 8-10 a night before my hand would start hurting. But, when else are you going to send them a card and let them know how much you appreciate them?? Tomorrow we are going to bake for the fire station. We do that every Christmas since my Dad passed away. We deliver the goodies to the fire station that picked up my Dad and took him to the hospital before he died. What can you do over the next few days to show Christ in you? I am looking for ways to show Him through me. Little things that He places in front of me to do. God is not found in the gift itself but the giver.
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