I know, I know...it's been a while since I've had a contest. Sorry!
But ~ it is Spring and almost Easter! Such a blessing to look around and see God's creation in bloom! To be reminded of the resurrection of Christ. Life is such a gift!
We get so busy making baskets for other sweeties in our life. So, it is time for YOU to get a basket filled with goodies. Or maybe you know some one that could use a pick me up. Sign up and I could deliver it to their local home. Cookies! Cupcakes! Who knows what I'll be making! Of course, I do know there will be some chocolate! ;)
Sorry but I have to add one rule. :( You must live in Northwest Arkansas. (or at least able to meet me in Northwest Arkansas) So, if you would like to join in on the fun ~ hit the comment button and leave me your name. It's very easy to do! Contest opens tonight. The drawing will be on April 3rd. Good Luck everyone! =D
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
My Deliverer
"May all who seek you; rejoice and be glad in you!
May those who love your salvation say evermore, 'God is great!'
But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay!"
You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay!"
Psalm 70:4-5
I believe that we have all been in David's shoes. We have all said something similar.
Lord, please hear me!
Lord, be quick!
There is so much pain and sorrow in this world. Our prayer sheet is filled with cancer. Prayers for the lost souls ~ especially our own family members. Prayers for our kids to stay strong in this world. Our prayers become pleas on our hearts. Burdens that we take to the Lord.
To Hear Us...
To Comfort...
To Heal...
And ~ can you make it happen now?
Amazing how we haven't changed through the years! ;) I find myself again and again asking God for the same things. I know that He hasn't forgotten what I asked for yesterday. Nor, is He surprised by me asking again today. I can be so impatient at times! Just wish that I could glimpse at the big picture so that I could understand. (don't we all??) Our needs have not changed throughout time. We all need healing. We all need a shoulder to cry upon. We all need saved. Thankfully, our Healer, Comforter, and Savior ~ He has not changed either. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Living L O U D
It is Friday, which means Five Minute Friday with Gypsymama. Today's word is: LOUD. Here we go with five minutes unedited... well...except for spellcheck! LOL ;D
God calls us to live on purpose. For a purpose. Our purpose is to go out and spread God's word just as Jesus' disciples did in the New Testament. That is our job. Yet, most of us do it so quietly.
That includes me. I let God speak in my actions. I let God speak in the music that I listen to. I let God quietly in the conversations with others. But there are others out there that live LOUD. Which is not always a good thing!
The ones that come to mind are the Westboro Baptist Church. If you'll remember that's the church that pickets serviceman's funerals. I looked at their website (which is named god hates fags) and it says they have picketed over 40,000 funerals in 800 cities. Seriously! The thing I didn't know ~ their membership is only about 40 people. Isn't that amazing that only 40 people can have such a loud effect on the nation? They have made national news spreading hate and judgement ~ when that is not what we are called to do.
Imagine how we could change the world if we lived LOUD? If we loudly proclaimed the goodness of Christ?
okay...that was about 8 minutes because I lost track of time! :)
God calls us to live on purpose. For a purpose. Our purpose is to go out and spread God's word just as Jesus' disciples did in the New Testament. That is our job. Yet, most of us do it so quietly.
That includes me. I let God speak in my actions. I let God speak in the music that I listen to. I let God quietly in the conversations with others. But there are others out there that live LOUD. Which is not always a good thing!
The ones that come to mind are the Westboro Baptist Church. If you'll remember that's the church that pickets serviceman's funerals. I looked at their website (which is named god hates fags) and it says they have picketed over 40,000 funerals in 800 cities. Seriously! The thing I didn't know ~ their membership is only about 40 people. Isn't that amazing that only 40 people can have such a loud effect on the nation? They have made national news spreading hate and judgement ~ when that is not what we are called to do.
Imagine how we could change the world if we lived LOUD? If we loudly proclaimed the goodness of Christ?
okay...that was about 8 minutes because I lost track of time! :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
God Moments

It doesn't always happen that way. There are times when I try (and I feel that I am) a cheerful giver. Times when I put others before me. Times when my heart is open and I am willing and ready to serve. Those moments can be such a blessing to myself as well as others. But some of those moments...well, they don't always turn out so well. Sometimes those moments are taken wrong. It's like I started with fresh, clear water (good intentions)...then ended up in a mud bath! ;D I realize that God's trying to tell me something.
You see ~ those moments when I am willing and ready, that is how I should be all of the time. I shouldn't have to get myself ready or prepared...that should be me ALL of the time. So God, takes those moments when I grudgingly give just an inch or two (because I am thinking about me) and shows me what that moment should have been. He can take that small amount and make a difference. Just to show me that it's not all about me. To show me where I can do better. To show me how to LOVE more. And more completely.
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count
others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not
only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Philippians 3-4
Where has God used you lately? Were you willing and ready? Or did God transform your little bit into something wonderful? I've had both recently. I love our volunteer moments I do with my family once a month. It is such a blessing to get out and be in circumstances that your not normally in. But, I've also had God take a 'me' moment and transform it into a God moment. (where it should have been all the time) God is an amazing teacher!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Month of Service: March
We donated 115 pounds of food with the help of friends!
Luke walked this senior dog that is part wolf.
Kent and Luke with sweet Teddybear!
Joey with my favorite, Ike.
Faith helped with giving them Heart worm Medicine.
Today we did our March month of service project. We headed to the Lone Pine Animal Shelter in Centerton. It's a small, non-profit animal shelter that is run by volunteers. This time, Kent came with us and we spent the morning together as a family giving animals the attention they need. The first thing we did was get the animals out and walk them around this large field in front. Faith and I got this German Shepard that was SO strong. I think that he walked us. Didn't even get a picture of him because I was being dragged across the field trying to control him! :) Luke's dog got out of his collar, jumped over a fence, and ran back to the shelter! After that, Luke got that wonderful senior dog that is a beautiful part-wolf. Poor thing was so tired after the walk, he tripped over his own feet and fell. Joey and Kent's dogs were a more normal.
After the walking we helped get some current pictures. Then, we helped give them their heart worm medicine. Our first day of spring break and we had beautiful weather. We all had a great time. I am sure that we will be there again soon! :) Next month ~ I am not sure yet what we are doing. Still in the planning stage. :)
This week, though, I get a week with my kid-o's. Yeah!! We are planning on going to the art museum that opened recently. I am going to take them out one day and get some spring pictures outside. The ones on the wall are about 2 years old. Unfortunately, my nieces are not able to join us this week. :( Maybe this summer. I love my family! :D So, enjoy your week! Make some memories to look back on! Give Love! After all, that is what matters!
Friday, March 16, 2012
I'm Batman...well, not really

When I think of the word brave, my mind goes to superheros. (What can I say, I have two boys) My favorite would be Batman. No, it's not because they are usually portrayed as some one really good looking and rich. But, as I have grown older, I do appreciate that! ;D It is because Batman is smart. He uses his brain. He wasn't born with any powers. Nor was he bitten and attained powers. Batman used his brain (or Alfred's) and created things to defeat the evil.I realize that superheros are not the only brave ones out there. There are real brave people in the world today. Brave as they fight cancer. Brave as they face losing a child. Brave as they face divorce. Brave as they bury their parents. These are the wonderful souls God has put into our lives to show bravery to us by example.
Which overwhelms me sometimes. How can I even compare? I am just...well... I am me. I'm not really brave. But, I think back over what God has helped me through the past few years. The grace extended to me through God. The strength God has given me through those difficulties. I realize that there are all types of bravery. My own situations were not bravery. Nope, it wasn't me at all. It was grace and a whole-lotta' faith. It was all HIM.
P.S. Tomorrow will be our March service project at the animal shelter. I can't wait! I'll keep you posted! :)
Friday, March 9, 2012
Five Minute Friday: Empty
I'm linking up today with Gypsymama. Five minute Fridays. Five minutes are writing from the heart. No editing. No worring if it's right or wrong. This Friday's topic: EMPTY.
Here I go...
My brother has been on my heart even more lately. He lives right here. So close...yet so far. We have had a rough childhood. No way around it. I know that we each handle things differently. And...at different times. But, the one thing I also know ~ this pain. this anger. this confusion. All those emtions that he has been dealing with since childhood, cannot be cured by hanging on to it.
That anger and hurt can only be emptied. Handed over to God. It's too much for us. But, God can take it and He can handle it. We must be empty so that we may be filled with God's love and blessings. It does take time to go through the process. I just pray that God will work on my brother. That this process of healing can begin somehow....though someone. Once you hand over all of the pain to God ~ those blocks on your shoulders are gone. That pain some one caused you might still be in your mind sometimes....but it no longer has power to hurt you any longer.
To be empty is to be Free..
only two paragraphs in 5 mintues? I'll have to continue this later.(:
Here I go...

That anger and hurt can only be emptied. Handed over to God. It's too much for us. But, God can take it and He can handle it. We must be empty so that we may be filled with God's love and blessings. It does take time to go through the process. I just pray that God will work on my brother. That this process of healing can begin somehow....though someone. Once you hand over all of the pain to God ~ those blocks on your shoulders are gone. That pain some one caused you might still be in your mind sometimes....but it no longer has power to hurt you any longer.
To be empty is to be Free..
only two paragraphs in 5 mintues? I'll have to continue this later.(:
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Life Vs. Fairytale
Life isn't always what you plan. To be honest ~ not much turns out like I plan. Maybe a batch of cookies or a cake...yes. Follow the steps and usually you get what the recipe says. It's not like I start out making coconut cake and end up with a pan of enchiladas. ;D
Sitting here, I can think back to what I thought my life would be. I thought I'd finish college and be an elementary teacher, get married sometime, have four kids, and live happily ever after. My life now is filled with teenagers (you some how forget those sweet precious babies turn into teens!!), dishes, laundry, bills, work...and autism.
Just one of the many things in life that was not in my plans. Teenagers can be difficult. I've been told by many seasoned mothers that if you don't kill them ~ it does get better. In a few years, those hormones balance out and those mouthy moments become less and less. But, when you add autism in the mix, the balance can really go crazy.
When Luke was smaller, he would have meltdowns when he would have enough. On the floor crying is where he would be. It didn't matter where we were. Enough was enough. Although he is bigger, there are still moments when enough is enough. (don't we all have those moments?) Meltdowns still happen (about 3 a week) just luckily they are not falling to the floor. Others who didn't know better, would just say he is cranky during that time. I can see it in his face when its just cranky or a meltdown waiting to happen. School...life...is so hard for him. I just wish....so many things. I've learned that wishing doesn't help. Prayer does.
Autism is not just hard on Luke. Hubby doesn't understand it. I don't know why it is. I just know that statically men have a harder time with disabilities than women do. When Luke was 2-3 and I felt something was wrong, I read and read. Book after books...ideas after ideas. I didn't got through denial. I knew something wasn't right and I needed to find how to help him. Kent thought I was over reacting for a long time. (He still thinks I over react.)
There is also Luke's older brother. I believe that every child always thinks the siblings get away with everything. Let's not forget that everything is not fair. (so tired of hearing that!) I've gotten to where I say that, "nope, it's not fair." I've explained things time and time again. Rationally. Calmly. But, all it takes is for me to let Luke get away with one thing because he's on the verge of a meltdown ~ suddenly, chaos happens. No, it's not fair. There is so much in life that is harder for Luke. There is so much that Luke may miss out on. (and already has!) No, life is not fair. Lord, please, help Joey to understand your plan. Help me Lord to see things from Joey's perspective as well.
My little fairytale that I thought about when I was younger...was just that. A fairytale. What God has given me is LIFE. Life is messy. My plan was the easy road. God's plan is to strengthen my roots deep in faith. To trim off my branches so that I may grow straight. For me to show God's love to others ~ especially when it's undeserved. To share my faith even when criticized. God's plan is not the easy road. There are moments when my prayers are but sounds from my heart and tears from my eyes. But with Him, I can make it.
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