This will be my third Christmas without my Dad. He died in November of 1999. Those first holidays are hard after a loved one passes. Things are never the same. Old traditions have to be changed or tweaked a bit. Every year, I have always made Jesus a birthday cake. Each Christmas morning before we open any gifts, we stand together and sing 'Happy Birthday' to Jesus. Every year since my father has passed, I have always made his favorite: Coconut cake. It is a way to remember my Dad as we celebrate Christmas.
Today was another funeral. My husband's uncle passed away after suffering from Parkinson's disease for years. As we gathered remembering the good times of the man he was, it was easy to see how one man... can bring so many people and families together. One person can make a difference. It only takes one man to become a father or grandfather. Only one person to be the friend you need. Only one person to effect so many lives.
What will they say about me once I'm gone? What legacy do I leave behind? Will my kids look back on their childhood and say that it was rich in memories... and moments?? Or was I too busy? Will my nieces and nephew look back and be able to say that they knew they were loved? Will my friends be able to say she would stick beside you through it all? Will everyone know that Christ lives in me?
I begin each day creating my legacy. Each day I have the chance to show my children how to treat others. Each day I can be the friend with encouraging words or the shoulder to cry upon. I can start today being reliable ... kind ... forgiving. I can be the mentor for the kids that need loved on. I can be the teacher for the toddler that wants to express themselves. I can be the kind of mother so that my kids think I'm the best. I can be the wife that tries to understand.
Each of these are a choice. Our legacy is created moment by moment. Our days are numbered. Only God knows when they shall end. We must take today and not just do the best we can do. But, with Christ living in us, we must strive to do the best He can do!
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
2 Corinthians 4:6-7