Sunday, July 10, 2011

Woman's Self Esteem

I was thinking today. It is sad that my post that gets the most views daily is about self-esteem and self-worth. (you can click to it here) On blogger, there is a page you can go to that lets you know what pages get viewed the most. And everyday ~ it is my one about self-esteem. So many people out there are searching...looking for something to feel good about....not liking what they see in the mirror. It can be scary what they find looking outside.

I've been there. Look around and you think, "I'm not pretty enough." Sometimes your words are, "I'm not smart enough." There are SO many of the "I'm not's." I'm not...good enough? thin
enough? kind enough? I'm not ... a good cook? a good mom? a good wife? So, many things that women especially fill in that blank with. What's yours?? When I'm having a rough day, the "I'm not's" start to fill my own head. I can become paralyzing!!

When God looks at you, what do you think He sees? Your wrinkles that keep muliplying? Or gray hair that won't go away? No, God knows the the number of hairs of your head! He knows your needs before you do. He is there on your good days and your bad. Yet, when He looks at you: He sees His child and He loves you. It is amazing, is it not? Through everything, God loves you and He made you just the way you are. There are no mistakes with God, Only Purpose!! Children born with autism or downs syndrome are not a mistake ~ they are here to fullfill a special purpose. Just as YOU are! You are here for a purpose! You are loved just the way you are. Your mistakes and failures can be forgiven by just asking. Our self esteem and self worth begin there. Knowing that, You are loved now and forever just as you are.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten
before God. Why, even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not,
you are more value than many sparrows." ~ Luke 12:6-7

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