It has been a while since my last contest. So, I think it is time to have another one! I am thinking cake. Of course, behind cinnamon rolls, that is my favorite dessert! ;~D So before we go much further, you need to be thinking about what your favorite kind is. Let me give you some suggestions that I'm fond of:
- Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Cake is always good!!
- Then, there is Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting (pick up on my theme? LOL)
- Oh, yes, my German Chocolate Cake is pictured ~ delish!
- There is always Hummingbird Cake (with bananas & pineapple)
- My Daddy's favorite was always Coconut Cake
- How about Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting? yummm....
I know, I know! There are SO many choices. Have you made a decision yet?? Well, I know that some of you regular contest entries are out on vacation. I'll have to do another one once everyone gets back and school starts. So, when you are ready, hit the comment button at the bottom. Give me your name and the type of cake you'd love to enjoy! I'll take names until Wednesday, August 3rd. Delivery must be local please!! Good Luck everyone!!
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; (so) shalt thou dwell in the land,
and verily thou shalt be fed." Psalms 37:3