Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Diggin' In The Dirt

Luke, Joey, and Faith Joey and Luke Faith

It's nice to get back to the basics. I think that what this past year has been about for us. To get rid of all the stuff. We have downsized as much as we can downsize. Now, it's time to dig in the dirt, get our hands dirty, and replant. Of course, before we begin we need a plan. And the right kind of seeds.

I'd like to plant some patience, but I've learned not to ask for that!! LOL When I ask for patience, God doesn't zap me and give it to me. Noooo...He provides something for me to do that needs lots of patience so it can expand and grow. So, no, strike the patience seeds right now!! LOL :~D Huummm... I'd like to plant the seed of Love in my children. That, maybe, they will be the generation that doesn't judge others. They maybe the generation that actually loves one another. I'd also like to plant some selflessness. I'd like for my children to realize that this world is not here to serve them and provide for them. But, we are here to serve, provide, and help others. The seeds need to be planted now. Cared for. Given opportunities to grow. Yet, it all starts now.

"Train up a child in the way they should go,
and even when they are old, he will not
depart from it. " Proverbs 22:6

Don't forget to enter to win an Easter Basket! :)

Drawing will be Satruday!


Holly said...

Whatcha' planting?? : ) Bet it's veggies! I'm sure it'll be good!

Jen Snow said...

Can't be veggies from the garden! :) Squash, tomatoes, peppers. Yum! Yum!