Saturday, April 16, 2011

Contest Winners!

Lots of Yummy Chocolate Goodies!

My first contest has come to a close. It was fun for me. I hope that you enjoyed it as well! I finished baking last night. This morning, I frosted the big chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. (enough chocolate for ya'?) Faith drew out the names for our red bowl. (you can tell from the monkey/peace nightshirt! LOL) Oh, yes ~ you can see that we have three winners instead of the two. Well, as I was baking I realized that I had enough for one more basket so Char lucked out! She was lucky number three.

Thank you everyone for participating. It makes contests more fun when lots of people play. I will have to do this again. Let me know if you have any ideas. Mother's Day is coming up in May or Father's Day in June. Huummmm.....
Have a Great Weekend!

"We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our priviledge and our adventure to discover our own special light." ~ Mary Dunbar


Kacee said...

Woo Hoo!! I am so excited...I never win anything. Yay for me! However, I am not sure if I will be sharing with Jason or not. ;)

Holly said...

Yay! Thanks, Jen, I can't wait to try everything!! : ) HOlly
YUM!! : )