Monday, May 7, 2012

Waiting Once Again...

I'm ready for a stroll in the park.  The breeze cooling me off.  The smell of honeysuckle in the air.  Squirrels chasing each other.  Birds making beautiful music.  Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?  Unfortunately, Life doesn't work that way.

Life's road is so uncertain. The paths are unclear. The destination is unknown.  There are steep inclines where we huff-and-puff, putting one step in front of the other. It's hard work, but no one said it would be easy.  I am thankful for God which guides my steps and the prayers of faithful friends.

Kent's heart cath was done last week.  And, there wasn't any new blockages.  Most would read that and be thankful and relieved.  I just couldn't.  I cried.  I just want my husband fixed.  Is that so bad?  He often has pressure on his chest when he lays down and can't get comfortable.  He couldn't even walk down the street with my daughter and I with the dog.  (I'm not a speed racer...I'm the, o' look there's a squirrel and look at that pretty flower)  How can that doctor tell me that there is not a problem??  Of course, now that the doctor has told him this ~ everything is fine.  I'm making too big of deal over it.  I'm being dramatic.  But, I know different.  So hard to convince a man!

I am not sure where the next step is.  I am just waiting right now.  I am waiting to see what God puts in front of us...where He guides our steps. 

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