Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life's Bumps

"This world is not my home
I'm just a passin' through
My treasures are laid up
Somewhere beyond the blue..."

Do you remember this hymn? I haven't sung it in a long time, but it's been stuck in my head lately. Maybe it is because this world is feeling more and more not home. Of course, you tend to feel more like this as trials hit closer to home. It's easier to just keep going when there isn't any bumps in the road.

Lately, there have been bumps. Major bumps. I just keep thinking this will be the end of it. Surely that light at the end of the tunnel is just ahead. The fog will be melted away by the suns rays. Any of those imagery you want to insert here. :) Then, something else happens.

You see ~ I am one of those boring people by nature. I have always wanted a home to have family and friends come over often. (Not the nowadays often, but the come over and play some domino's or cards on Fridays kinda' often. Were our kids are raised together.) Always have an open door and open arms. The person that has lived in their home, raised their kids there, and spoiling grand kids there as well. (wayy in future!!) A place where my nephew & nieces want to come and stay awhile. The kinda person that has their roots planted deep not in things ~ but the people who matter. The home, well, it is just a vessel for those memories and connections. That is, well, who I am on the inside.

Right now, that has been stripped away. At least that is what is feels like. My husband is down to 32 hours a week. He is the next one to be laid off. I remember the days of overtime and an actual savings account. Now we have to wonder how utilities will be paid. We have to pack up and once again move. I SO hate moving. It is not in my nature. I am thankful that I work for the school system so my kids can keep going to their schools.

I really don't understand why we must go through this. (Do any of us at the time?)That is just me being honest. Don't most people only get a few burdens to bear at a time?? Isn't having to move into an apartment last year bad enough? (SO hard for me) I know, I know ~ I am whining. Yes, throw me a pity party. I know in my head it could be worse. My kids are all here with me. But, my heart, well. . . it aches tonight.

"Trust in the Lord forever,
For the Lord God is an everlasting
rock." Isaiah 26:4

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