Monday, October 24, 2011

Day By Day

Right now, I am learning to accept God's plan. Although right now, His plan isn't looking all that great. I know His plans are for the long term. Mine are for the right now. God did give us a place to live. We went to look at a duplex Saturday morning. And as God would do it, Kent grew up with his kids and has know this person his whole life basically. So, we even got the key so we could move this weekend. I am SO exhausted physically and mentally. The idea of having no place for my kids to come home to is scary. Then, learning to accept what your given is difficult sometimes.

So, now we are mostly moved in. We have a few things to finish up. It is smaller than the nicer place we found and almost moved in to. It also has paneling in the living room. And, it has a tiny ~ almost no existent ~ kitchen. But, I believe this is where God wants us right now... for some reason. (what's the chance of knowing some one and getting the key the same day?? that's a God thing!) Yes, acceptance is coming in small phases! LOL :) Someday maybe I'll have a big kitchen that I've always wanted. For now, I'm trying to unpack. Trying to keep my chin up.

Kent's job is still around 32 hours. He is still working his part time job as well. Although we don't even know what his payday is! I am still working in the school cafeteria. Once things settle, I'll start job looking again. I'm going to have to find something that actually gives a pay check to help out. Things used to actually stretch and the kids were little. So, it was a great job. Right now, with this economy, the stretching is about done. I need to do my part to help my family. Through it all, I know that my heavenly Father has a plan. For that, I am thankful.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you
a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Holly said...

Thankful you found somewhere! : ) I bet there IS a plan to you living in that exact spot-and this is temporary. Only your home in Heaven is permanent.
Did you get your deposits and stuff back from the other place?
Hope you guys get settled quickly. : ) Hugs to you guys!