Sunday, February 20, 2011

Encourage One Another

Proverbs 26:20-22

"Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip the quarrel dies down. As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts."

While reading Proverbs, I came across this verse. Don't you love the description? I can visualize the fire or even the words 'choice morsels.' It goes on in verse 24 to say, "Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. " Each of us gets a different image in our head about this that is some how a product of our childhood or how we're raised. Honestly, when I think of this, it takes me back to 6th grade. That's when the separation began for me. I remember being in the bathroom stall when some of the popular girls came in and started talking about me. I stayed in there until they left. Then, I cried and had to wipe it up and go back to the classroom. Of course, jr. high was even more of this. People who you thought we're your forever friends couldn't even be faithful for a year. Yet, growing into an adult it happened. There were several 'friends' I had had to cut ties with in my 20's. I learned they wanted me to be there for them, but it was never going to be the other way around. They were waiting for me to fall, not to help me back up ~ but, talk or laugh. Hard lesson.

Now, in my 30's, this verse still applies. There's still have that feeling that there is some one ready to criticize. I'm not always the be best mother I should be. Or the best wife. Or the best friend. I'm not the best at a lot of things especially not at the same time!! Yeah, sometimes it's just my little voice inside my head. Sometimes it's not, but I'm learning that's okay. I'm still here on this Earth, so that means that I'm still learning. I've not always been as strong in my faith or my beliefs. I've made mistakes. I'm pretty sure that I'll make some mistakes even tomorrow. If we're honest, I think that we all will. This journey is all about learning and growing. It's up to us if we're going to stop trying. And if we're willing to forgive when we do fail. (ourselves and each other) Life's not perfect. It's messy! We need the encouragement from one another. (Don't we judge ourselves hard enough??) I've been described as a negative deceitful person before. It' hurts because I don't think of myself this way. I try very hard not to talk about others negatively. Yet, comments (yes, gossip) that I said years ago can mark some one's perception of me even today. We must be careful with our words. Hard lesson.

I know that I'm not perfect, just still trying. . . changing. . . evolving. This little blog is about my journey. The bad: The childhood abuse. Parent's divorce. Rape. Miscarriage. Autism. And the good, yes good, that can come from it. The hope. The faith. The love. I wouldn't wish my life on anyone, but I wouldn't trade it either. I am a thankful person. I am a blessed person. I'm becoming a person to be proud of. A better follower of God. A better wife, mother, aunt, & friend. Yes, I still have things to work on, but I am a work in progress! God isn't through with me yet! :) This quote is not from the Bible, but it's a very hard quote to live up to. It's amazing!

"I resolve to speak ill of no man whatever, not even in a matter of truth;

but rather, by some means excuse the faults I hear charged upon others,

and upon proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody."

~ Benjamin Franklin


Holly said...

I love your quote! : ) Not everyone wants to criticize, but I can see that even a sixth grade moment can color your world an ugly shade of gray. They were just insecure, and had to put someone down to make themselves look better. : (
You are very blessed! : ) And your kids adore you! How was Faith's birthday? Hope she had an awesome day!! : )

Jen Snow said...

I realize that not everyone wants to criticize but there is a lot of it out there. Last year, Faith even got picked on by two girls in her class. She'd cry & didn't like school for a while. It's sad that it starts even earlier than when we were younger. We didn't get do do much since 3 of us were sick last weekend. But, her party will be in a few weeks! :)