Monday, July 23, 2012

Faking Chrisitianity

"...when we meet people who have been fed the fake stuff about who God is and what He's about, its not surprising that they have a little indigestion  So we can either spend our time talking about wrappers or we can show them what God is really made of.  We can show them that God is full of love and the source of hope and every creative idea.  People don't want to be told that their experiences were wrong or that their wrapper or someone else's wrapper is made of the wrong stuff.  Instead, we get to be the ones to show them real love from a real God."    Love Does by Bob Goff (pg 98)

We all know people who have turned away from God and church.  They see the evangelist on t.v. promising wealth or cancer cures for money.  They see priests involved in sex scandals.  They see idiots out there picketing funerals.  They see you and me going out to eat after church, then being rude to the waitress.  They see us not taking time to help or even listen to one another.

Honestly, Christianity is easy to fake.  Let's put a fish on my car or wear a cross necklace.  Show up to church, but no one knows I'm making a grocery list while I'm listening.  Or, hey, the preacher won't know that I'm really playing Scrabble on my phone, will he?  Faking it.  Making us all shiny on the outside is easy.

But, what good does that do? 

The identity we are stealing is God's. Christ-ian.  Christ-like.   We are just making God look bad.  Do you have friends or family that you would never guess go to church?  Those people when you ask what they did over the weekend and they mention church ~ your shocked.  Or looking in the mirror ~ Monday through Friday, does anyone know that you have been to church?  Can anyone tell that you have a relationship with God?

It's time when we show the world God through us. God is love. 

And Love is a Verb.

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