It's been one of those weeks. Actually, to be honest ~ just a long few days that have seemed to last. :) Kent had been having some heart pain especially since January. Usually things with some exertion, like walking/hiking and stairs. It would come and go. Then, it starting lasting longer. Once we went back to his heart doctor, we got a heart cath scheduled for Wednesday. We had to be there by 10 and his procedure was supposed to be at noon. Of course, it was around two when he went back. They were supposed to go through his arm and they did try it. It just didn't work and they had to go through his leg anyway. About an hour and a half later, the doctor came out. He suggestion was double bypass surgery. If we decided against that, he could put two stints in the one artery 70% clogged. It didn't take me but a few seconds to go with option 2. Kent was not ready for a bypass. We were on schedule to get the stints done the next morning.
The next morning, we find out that Kent is not being rushed back before appointments start. He is actually going to be dinning with the hospital for breakfast and lunch, then having the stints put in around 5ish. That makes for a long day.... Kent wasn't feeling good. In fact, he had a 102 degree fever. We were worried they would prolong it and not do the stints. They had to do blood work and chest scans to check for infection. Finally around one or two, the doctor came in and said that the surgery could continue as scheduled. We were so thankful. The time came around and we had to pack up everything because we were not coming back to the same room. To the waiting room we went.
The surgery took a little over an hour. Two stints were successfully placed in his clogged artery. We were moved into a different room for the second night. Kent had to lay flat on his back with his leg straight for over 7 hours! But, he is now walking around with 4 stints keeping the plumbing to his heart open. It was a long night, but we woke up knowing that if things went well ~ we'd finally be going home! Just don't know how good a hot shower feels until your washing your hair in the sink and using wash cloths! YUCK! We got home around 1:30 in the afternoon. Guess the first thing I did? Yep, one hot shower! Kent took a 3 hour nap. (I wonder if he'll sleep tonight now.) I got the kids and a rotisserie chicken for supper and came home. We watched the movie Grease together. Cuddled with my daughter. And tonight ~ I get to sleep in my bed. (not a recliner!!) It took some faith that it would be okay. It took a lot of prayers from family and friends. But ~ in the middle of both of those things ~ it took God. Just like always.