I am tired of a lot of talk and so little action. That is what it all boils down to. I could stop there and be done because the rest of my paragraphs will just reiterate that sentence. But, my mouth won't let me! I am not perfect my any means. I get mad. I yell when I shouldn't. A bad word will escape my mouth once in a while. I like to stick my head in the sand and pretend things are peachy. BUT, I have taught my kids some good things. My kids know what it's like not to have it all, but they also know that there are others who would gladly trade them places. I am a big believer in volunteering. It is a big part of my heart. My kids have helped a free lunch program. They have helped animal shelters. They have cleaned an elderly person's home on the wrong side of town. We have gone to nursing homes. My kids have big hearts for service. But, it is not because I've talked about it. It is because as a family I have scheduled it and made them live up to our promise. It is not because we are not busy and don't have things to do. It because I made it a priority in our life and other things will have to wait. I am proud of that.
I get tired of everyone talking about it. When I offer to schedule a day to serve, I don't even get a reply back. Or when I do schedule something and I only have a couple workers. We are all busy and there will always be others things to do. It is just the matter of saying, I am committed to this and it will come first. (so yes, soccer falls to the wayside at our house) It is easy to gripe about the young people today because they just don't understand because things are handed to them so easy. It is not the young people's fault. It's the parents. Yep, it's our fault. Not because you give your kids everything, or most things, they want. It is because you have not given them a servants heart. It is more than just talking about it at church. Or washing someone's feet that went and got a manicure on Saturday just for the service. It is getting them out of their comfort zone and into some one else's shoes.
Sorry, I will step off of my soap box. Please let's just stop talking about service or relationships and let's DO. Remember you are the example for your children. If you don't make the time to help others or to reach out.... that is what your teaching you kids.