then... I do! I do scream. I do cry. To God. He hears me. Even the words that I do not say.
Luke amazes me honestly. I have a small understand of how hard it is for him just to function at such a high level. It takes so much for him to make it at school daily. The minute he gets into the van, I can tell what kind of day he's had. There is not pretending the day went well for a child with autism. If it sucked ~ than, it sucked! If the day was okay or good ~ you'll know that too.
Today, well, it was one of those days where I just look at him and wonder what the future will hold. I wonder what God's plans are for my beautiful little boy. Luke has learned to control so much as he has grown and matured. When he was younger, he'd lay flat on the floor and have meltdowns...very loud meltdowns!! Those don't happen much anymore. They do pop up once in a while when he is tired and cranky. Luke has gotten better about actually looking at people in the eyes. It's still hard for him and not consistent, but so much better. Most of his little quirks, he does at home where he feels safe. It's been a long journey, but over all, he's doing better.
He has a social studies test tomorrow and he studied so hard tonight. Science & social studies is so hard for him. Those sixth grade text books are not even written on a sixth grade level. Did you know that? If you analyze the word content and such, it's about an eighth grade level. That is a big stretch for a boy that's reading maybe a third or fourth grade level! :( But, Luke tries. He tries so hard. It's hard to know your different and know that it's so much harder for you ~ and try to stay positive. Somehow, Luke does. I know that's God hand in his life and I pray for that to continue. He inspires me! What a blessing through it all!