Joey in 2005 & 2010
Isn't it amazing that he really looks the same? :) Yes, of course, a lot bigger. He is now 5'6" and wears a size 10 in men's shoes. But, still the same Joey.
I remember being pregnant with Joey. So Sick! Not the glowing pregnancy every woman dreams of. I soon realized that an 8 month pregnant lady should not be sick over a toilet. Very hard to get up! :~D But, with the joy of preclampsia, he arrived four weeks early. A very loud screaming five pounds! He was SO tiny. But, with God's blessings, he was healthy enough to come home when I was released from the hospital a few days later.
He was a very easy baby. Happy. As a toddler, he was so funny. I think one of his first words after 'mommy' and 'daddy' was 'wipe-y.' Every time he'd get his hands dirty, he would hold them up and want a 'wipe-y.' Of course, at the time, it was cute. (as a teenager, I have to remind him to wipe his hands on a napkin!) He became a big brother at the ripe old age of 16 months. Joey was scared to death when he was brought to the hospital and saw me hooked up to several machines including an IV. He still doesn't like hospitals. But once we were both home, Joey became the big brother. Luke had colic and Joey didn't understand why he cried all the time. So, Joey would bring him toys. Or pat his head. Or bring a diaper. We would cuddle on the couch when Luke went to sleep. Once Faith was born, he was the big brother of two. Both Joey and Luke loved Faith automatically. Joey wouldn't hold her until she came home from the hospital though. (Still very cautious about hospitals.) But, he is a good big brother. He protects his siblings because it's his job to pick on them. No one elses. :)
Joey is kind and smart. His personality will drive us nuts at times though. He is happy to be in the middle somewhere. He doesn't have the desire to be the best at anything. Of course, this makes Kent nuts because if he tries to do something - he wants to be the best.. Me? Not very competitive. I'll lose if I think you need to win more. LOL But, if he ever got that desire for something -- anything -- he could do it! I believe in him. We are just waiting to see what will make him want to be apply himself. I wish that he could see how much potential is just hidden inside of him waiting to be discovered.
I wish that everyone, including Joey himself, could see him like I do. God gave me a beautiful little boy named Joseph first for a reason. God made him the big brother for a reason. I know that he will be there for Luke and Faith, the way I wish mine was there for me. Joey is so much like me that I can understand him (most of the time!!). I like to think he has the best parts of my personality! haha!! He does have Kent's sense of humor which is probably a good thing! But Joey gets why some things are important that can just go by other kids his age. Like family history. (he likes genealogy) Or visiting Grandparents. Or helping others. I am proud to be his mother and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him! I love you Joey!