Sunday, November 21, 2010


Cara & Phillip Rolf
Luke, Summer Rolf, & Joey
Abby & Faith Snow

Joey, Faith, and Luke Snow

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It helps that it's in my favorite season. I just love the smell of fall (between the sneezing!) and the beauty of the season. The green trees turn beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. Thanksgiving is just a day to stop...and be thankful. To look around at all that God has blessed you with and be thankful. Christmas there is such a rush. There's the lights. The shiny decorations. The gift giving. (and buying) Busy, busy, busy... And yes, I do enjoy the things of the Christmas season. But, sometimes the reason for Christmas is lost. (but that's another ) But with Thanksgiving it's about family. Friends. Good food. So, this week as I prepare homemade bread, cheesecake, dressing, and the other wonderful things for my family ~ I am just thankful that I have family to prepare it for. Not just my three wonderful kids. But, I am blessed with three nieces and and a nephew. A beautiful grandmother. A brother and a sister that I didn't have before marriage. I am thankful that God has been there for me each step of the journey I am on and given me this extended family I never had. I am blessed. And, I am thankful.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Your pumpkin bread cupcakes were awesome!! I need the recipe-and for the frosting! : ) We went home happy!
I love Thanksgiving too-precious time with family. Hope you guys have a wonderful break together! : )