Sunday, July 25, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures ~

A few days ago we went to Hickory Creek to swim. It was a first for the kids and I. Kent went there a lot growing up, but to me, a lake meant fishing because of my Dad. To me, that equaled boring, so I never went. Kent is amazed that I missed so many fun experiences and turned out semi-normal. (yeah, I had to put the semi..haha!)

I did miss out on some of the simple things growing up. Halloween candy. Feeding ducks at the park. Swimming at the lake. But looking back, one of the simple things I remember is that my Great Aunt always sent me a card. A card for Easter. A card for my birthday. A card for Christmas. Even Thanksgiving sometimes. A card just for me with my name on it and a stamp. She never did spell my name right, but it didn't matter.

The Simple Pleasures

Those moments that I want my family to remember me for. So, let's pack some sandwiches and head out. For a swim. For a hike. For a picnic. Or stay in and bake some cookies. Or repaint a room. Or play some games. Just to have those moments together. The Simple Pleasures do not have to cost a lot, it is about the the card in the mail from my Great Aunt. Or swimming with the kids at the lake. That's the kind of mother I want to be...the kind of Aunt I want to be...the kind of person I want to be. I doubt Aunt Avis knew how special she made me feel. But, she is the reason I bake chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for Phillip and Summer. Or cheesecake for Cara. Or cookies for Abby. I know how it feels to be remembered by an Aunt ~ and I want my family to experience it. The simple pleasure of smelling cinnamon rolls baking in the oven and licking the glaze that goes on top! Yum! Or have family movie night in the living room. Life can be hard at times. It's easy to keep moving on to the next task. Or just get tired and overwhelmed. Sometimes, we just need to be still and look around. See the beauty in the small, simple things. That's one thing I strive for each day. To enjoy life's Simple Pleasures....

Of course ....some days are easier than others!! :)

1 comment:

Amy G said...

Very touching...we should all strive for this.