Monday, March 13, 2017

Mean Girls

As your kids grow up, you realize that somethings stay the same.  There will always be those certain jocks that seem to have it all.  There's those cheerleaders that will do anything to have others like them.  The weird ones that you kinda' ignore because you don't really know what to make of them. The kids that seem only to have the color black in their closet and try to sound very deep but end up sounding stupid.  (okay, maybe that was only in the 90's!)  And, of course, there are the mean girls.  I am not saying that guys cannot be mean, but girls - they can take it to another level.

 As a mom with boys and a girl, I am thankful that I only have to go through this once! You guys that have multiple girls, God must have knew you could handle it! :)  The momma bear in me comes out and I am not very nice. The first mean girl for Faith was in elementary school and was actually a school counselors daughter.  Ironic, huh?  Too bad the mother's empathy did not get taught to her children.

Junior high there is another one, of course.  I am sure that her mom has no idea as well.  Which is sad.  If my kids ever do anything like this, I would like to know.  It will be taken care of.  My boys are bigger than me now and 18 and older, but it would still be taken care of.  My daughter's social life would be ending.   There is no reason to treat others disrespectfully.  I know this girl is very insecure and this is her way of making herself feel better.  She has to put my daughter down to build herself up.  Jealousy comes in many forms and this is one of them.  At first, it really hurt Faith.  She cried many tears over this "friend."  Faith tried to change herself so this girl would accept her.  She tried to do the rules this "friend" made up.  Yeah, Faith jumped through many hoops trying to save this friendship until she realized that no matter what she did - it would still not be good enough.  That was a good day.  She just walked away.  I know that it still bother's her but I don't believe it hurts her anymore.  I know that in time, others will be able to see what kind of person she really is and decide it's not worth it too.

Instead, we are focusing of the real friends in her life.  The ones that will be there through the ups and down that are coming in high school.  The friends that want what's best for each other.  That are happy when you succeed.  That will give you a hard time when you need it.   That will be there when you need to talk.  The friendships we all need in life.  The blessings God gives us to help us make it.

"Blowing out someone else's candle, doesn't make yours shine any brighter."

"People who are not happy with themselves, cannot possibly be happy with you."

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