"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads
to destruction, and those who enter it are many. For the gate is narrow
and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
Matthew 7:13-14
As we go on our Christian walk, there are times when we are not as close to God as others. It's not God fault. I hear people complain that God just is so distant. He left me through this situation. I am going through this alone. But, God doesn't leave us or forsake us. The Creator of this universe is waiting patiently for you and me. We're just human. Sometimes easy is well... easy. Too easy to resist. How many times do we walk away from Him??
God doesn't say the narrow way will be easy. The Bible says it's the hard way. It's forgiving others, even when undeserved or unasked. It is letting go of anger. It is making time for Him in ways like prayer and church. It's teaching your kids about God. It's reaching out to others with the love of God. It's a relationship with God. It's putting God in the center of your life...then putting the things you want in. God first.
"But FIRST seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness..." Matthew 6:33
"For those that live according to the flesh set their minds on the things
of the flesh, but those that live according to the Spirit set their mind
on things of the Spirit.." Romans 8:5
If you are reading this and you feel a distance between you and God. Know deep inside your heart that God loves you. As messed up as you can get. He loves you. He loves the way you look first thing in the morning. You know why? Because you are His child. HIS! And know something else too. Just know that we have all been there. We all go through periods in our Christian walk that we wonder off a bit.
The main thing is getting back on that narrow path. Nurture your relationship with God. How? The same way you nurture your relationships here on this earth. You spend time with Him. He is waiting with open arms just for you.