But what has changed from 1955 to the 1980's? And even more so today? Our diet. Things were made from scratch. Real ingredients. Then, we had 2 income families, so frozen dinners took off. Convivence food became a big part of our grocery stores. Now, fast food is a part of our culture. I work at a school. Those kids will eat pizza and chicken nuggets daily without thinking twice. Our diets have changed so much and it allows toxins into our bodies daily. Which will sooner or later will effect you. There is SO many fake foods out there. So many foods with cancer causing agents.
A friend of mine told me about an app called Yuka. It's a free app and you scan barcodes on items and it will list the good, bad, and ugly about the item. I will tell you that there were several things that I was eating regularly that had cancer causing ingredients. "Good for you" items. High fiber, low carb. All those key words. Ya'll -- its not real food. It's engineered stuff that your body doesn't know what to do with. There are some things that will come up "bad" or "poor" on the app. That's when you can click on the ingredients and make that decision for yourself. Sometimes it is just because the sodium is too high. But at least you have the power to look and make an educated decision.
Food has the power to heal. It also has the power to destroy your health. The average American diet eats 60% of their calories from processed foods. In the United States there are over 10,000 substances have found their way into our processed food. Either from the food itself or the packaging it comes in. Most of the chemical substances fall in the 2,500-3,000 range that are intentionally added to processed foods for color, shelf life, texture, and cost.
We will never be able to live a toxic free life here on Earth. We can only do our best. Lower some of our risks. Choose YOU! Your health is worth the effort. You are worth it! Taking prescription medications mess with your whole system. My husband was on over 10 medications several times a day just to live. He felt terrible all of the time. I'm not anti-prescriptions. Sometimes we have to have them. But, health starts with the foods that we eat. Just take a look at what you eat regularly. What choices can you need to change?